Managing Teams and Accounts

Easily integrate Athenic with your team's workflow by adding team members. Team members have the ability to visualize up-to-date dashboards, ask their own questions, and collaborate to create data-driven insights.

Manage teams by clicking on the right arrow next to your email address in the bottom of the left side bar.

Choose from the following options:

  • Subscription tier - See what type of subscription you have.

  • Team Settings - Change the team name, table limit, copy your unique API key, or adjust the model performance.

  • Team Members - See your subscription type and add new team member.

  • Billing - See your subscription type and what features are available for each tier.

  • New Team - Allows you to create a new team.

  • Switch Team - Allows you to switch between teams.

  • Change Password

  • Language - Allows you to select your language. Currently the UI is available in English and Spanish while the chat feature supports most major languages.

  • Support - Connects you with our support team.

  • Sign Out

Last updated