API Docs

List Projects

GET https://api.app.athenic.com/api/projects

The Athenic AI API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view your API keys in the Athenic AI dashboard. Projects must be created in the application. This API request will retrieve IDs and names for all projects owned by your team. You can then use any project_id to query that project.



    "projects": [{
                "project_id": project_id,
                "project_name": project_name,
                "created_at_date": created_at_date,

Query Projects

POST https://api.app.athenic.com/api/query/project-question

Query an existing project

The Athenic AI API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view your API keys on your teams settings page. Projects must be created in the application before querying. This API request will generate valid SQL given an input question / phrase, and the ID of the project to use.




        "query_id": "example_query_id",
        "question": question,
        "query_string": query_string, -- Query generated using datasets
        "full_query": full_query, -- Query with full SQL to create datasets
        "explanation": explanation, -- Explanation of what your query is doing
        "run_status": run_status, -- "success", "error", "empty"
        "warning": warning, -- Optional warning string for issue with query

Last updated