AI Training

AI training bridges the understanding between your data, your team, and the AI by by specifying terminology in your data tables and columns, explaining output you are seeking when asking a question, and defining terms to clarify any ambiguity.

To access AI training, toggle to the data tab. On the top right, click on "AI Training button" which will bring you to the AI training page. From there, click "Add Example" to add training pair.

AI can be trained using plain English or SQL. Toggle between the tabs to apply either feature.

** Note: To enhance AI and provide accurate training pairs, refer to the tables and column names to define them as much as possible.

Natural Language Training (Plain English) Guide the AI by defining ambiguous or specific terms and questions with plain English through question/term-definition pairs.

  • Establish Key Terms: Clarify corporation jargons and specify ambiguous KPIs with plain English. You can also formulate questions or commands as you would be speaking to a data analyst. This includes defining what you mean by "top", "best", "target", ect.

  • Define Key Terms: Explain by describing how you want the AI to execute the command or question by connecting with the tables and column names in your data. Make sure you are as clear as possible and indicate criteria for ambiguous terms.

  • Examples:

    • "Top Customers" can be defined by "Closed Won" as the dataset labels top customer column name with Closed Won

    • "Best Sales Season" can be defined by "Highest Revenue. Revenue = profit - manufacturing cost"

    • "What is the Best Personal Care Product?" can be defined by "Personal care products include lotion, sunscreen, shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Best means highest quantity sold"

SQL Training Guide the AI by defining ambiguous or specific terms and questions with SQL training by writing specific commands and formula with SQL programming.

  • Establish Key Terms: Clarify corporation jargons and specify ambiguous KPIs with plain English. You can also formulate questions or commands as you would be speaking to a data analyst. This includes defining what you mean by "top", "best", "target", ect.

  • Define Key Terms: With SQL define the action you want the AI to take each time it recognizes a word through formulas.

  • Examples

    • If you're training the AI to recognize "target 1s," your SQL query might identify these as opportunities with a probability greater than 0.7 and with "DO_NOT_CALL" set to false.

Training Progress Bar As you add more training pairs, the AI Training Coverage bar will progressively increase, visually tracking your progress. Once a table or column is fully trained, it will be highlighted in green.

Last updated